Friday, May 18, 2012

Make Voip Calls for Free to anywhere in World

VOIP(Voice Over Internet Protocal) calls over the internet do cost the caller for calling through many service providers of VOIP like Skype and so on but Evaphone service provider let's the user make daily 2 Free VOIP Calls to anywhere while having some limitations like time limit of the specified call. The Time limit of the call does Vary with destination countries and places from some seconds of time to a maximum of 2 minutes per call.

The trick of making a call here is just visting the evaphone website and making a call by dialling the Number, This can be used to make both Local and International Calls. The site also has a catch for some countries where to call to those nations one must first register with the website while for most of the nations it is free of registration to make a call.

People with Dynamic IP Addresses can make many calls while Each of thier IP can make 2 calls so this basically clears of the limit for unlimited free VOIP calling over the net.

Make a Free Call

Zurker Invitation to join it and Earn Free Zurker Shares

As we already know that facebook ceo and founder mark zukerburg had stolen the idea of facebook from two twin brother in harvard university in 2001. Later on they complained and got 65 million dollar in 2007 in the legal suit and then in 2009 they started a new project (ZURKER) and launched the beta version in dec 2011. 

One can join it now and become a share holder of this website. This rocking feature of share is added by them, currently there are millions of member joining this web site in allover the world. The site has new features than facebook and g+ in general. 

It can rule the future Social Networking, join for free today and become share holder now from India, US or one of the & countries where the Beta is running now. Do not use different country ip to join..... because as beta it is limited to 7 country only in the present. 

Facebook's worth around 50 billion today but its users getting nothing out of it. So this new idea been invoked by the twins. Just join for free and enjoy vShares at Zuker, so click on the link and enjoy the ownership. 


People Refering New users to the Zuker gets 2 shares for refering people within 24 hrs and 1 share for users later on to get a maximum of 500 Zuker shares and as of now the shares are worth Rs50/share to be bought in the Market.

Friday, April 27, 2012

"Zerg Rush" Google Easter egg game

The Really superb latest easter egg of the google is "Zerg Rush". This easter egg is like a real time strategyvideo game where alines called as Zerg's are fought for the amount of time like a starcraft. 

A google Search for the term "Zerg Rush" in the search box makes the show to start, A bunch of yellow and red zeros with the font design of Google logo  starts spreading themselves on the search results page and destroy those same results.The Yellow and red zero circles can be clicked on them to destroy those circles to obtain points and while in that process one can notice the little Os are now running around the screen attacking and destroying every search result – The life bars depleting in true RTS style is also seen at the same moment.

The term Zerg is a Alien in of the starcraft series of videogames and the term "zerg rush" is one  of the known term in real time strategy game circles. It's used to describe a situation when any player tries to overwhelm his opponent with a mass of units during a multiplayer match.

Google stores the score for each "round" of play along with the "APM" (actions per minute) number, which is the number of times you click on the mouse to defeat those red and yellow foes. In the end, the circles then form two big "G" letters on the screen. The final result can be shared in one's google Plus account.

A more detailed list of different google easter eggs are listed here.

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

How Much Traffic does Google Easter Eggs Bring

People Might have wondered on how much traffic(visitors) the Google easter eggs can bring to the site. That happens to be in top 3 search positions of the Google for the corresponding easter egg search on the search engine. The reports of Google Doodle based traffic for the site been out there might make the user wonder how much can a easter egg bring, just like that of doodles bringing as per wikipedia to nearly 2 million(i haven't got that range of traffic for doodle of course 1k is the max have got after the article on doodle for new year day google doodle). The releasing of easter eggs from google in more numbers last year really did made it a super hit than ever before it had been especially the likes of do a barrel roll, tilt, let it snow did contribute a lot for easter eggs of google getting hit like those of doodles it used to be.

Our blog being one of the good range of beneficiary from the release of  google's easter eggs will give an insight of how much traffic and earnings it did got in 24 hrs time on december last year when the easter eggs for christmas, hanukkah and kwanzaa festivals were released by the google.

Tipsntweaks being one of the top 3 search query for those like of google easter eggs, google easter eggs list and so on would like to share some of the secrets behind the traffic as it did really got a big chunk of traffic when google brought its last famous easter eggs in form of the "let it snow" and other easter eggs like christmas, kwanzaa etc... did got us a whopping 150k page views and around $250 USD via google adsense in less than 24 hrs of let it snow easter egg going viral on the net. The main contributors for the traffic was Mega list of Easter eggs and hanukkah, kwanzaa etc.. easter eggs.

And of course the traffic for those posts as of now is no where near that historic traffic especially after those easter eggs like that of let it snow, christmas, etc.. being removed from the google after the occasion of christams, hanukkah and kwanzaa festivals are over, still the event gives one a idea of what traffic and earning one can achieve from google easter eggs just like that of google doodles does it.

Hope that even wikipedia makes the secret of traffic hits it gets when google had released its easter eggs so that we get more clarity on the picture for how much traffic does it gets.

Any more interesting info on this regard is welcome like what range of traffic others got from easter eggs and so on from our readers using the comment form below.

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Charles Dickens 200th Birthday Google Doodle

The birthday celebrations of famous personalities of the past being celebrated by Google in the forms of doodles is now more than a tradition by the google and now on this line Charles Dickens 200th Birthday Google Doodle is been celebrated today on February 7th.

A short Bio on Charles Dickens

Full Name         :      Charles John Huffam Dickens

Timeline            :      7 February 1812 – 9 June 1870

Field of work    :      English Novelist

Work Topic       :     Novels, Short stories, Non Fiction Poetry and Plays

Dickens's work has been highly praised for its realism, comedy, mastery of prose, unique personalities and concern for social reform by writers such as Leo Tolstoy, George Orwell and G. K. Chesterton; though others, such as Henry James and Virginia Woolf, have criticised it for sentimentality and implausibility.

The doodle released today by the Google when clicked on the image gets the search results of Books of dickens work. The doodle is bit special because of the fact that doodle consists of characters of the Novels of Dickens like that of  Scrooge(Principle Character in 1843 novel Christmas Carole), Bob Cratchit( Abused and under paid clerk of ebenezer scrooge in 1843 Novel Christmas Carole), Pip(Parody and Comedy retelling Character in the 1861 Novel Great Expectations) and so on with also characters from some of his top novels like 1859 Novel A tale of two cities, Haunted Man and Ghosts Bargain and Little Dorrit etc.. have been featured well in all the characters of the g-o-o-g-l-e with a background of corresponding novels featured neatly integrated to see it as one background.

Wednesday, February 1, 2012 redirecting to Country specific Url's

Google with having servers in many countries is now making its blogs redirect to country specific domains from now on. This move at times is surely a welcome as well as a bad move as it helps visitors get the data of the blog from their country specific domain easily and also it can be a problem with countries now looking to censor the web as the web helps better in censoring too.

Google had an official announcement for this regard describing things the easier way.

Q: Why am I seeing a URL change?
A: Over the coming weeks you might notice that the URL of a blog you're reading has been redirected to a country-code top level domain, or "ccTLD."
For example, if you're in Australia and viewing, you might be redirected  and similarly in India the blog will be redirected to so as of now is redirecting to and which with time will increase later.

A ccTLD, when it appears, corresponds with the country of the reader’s current location.

The change doesn't produce any  other visible differences to the blog other than the URL redirecting to a ccTLD. For people like us who use custom domains the change doesn't have any effect

Q: Where will I see this change?
A: We routinely launch limited updates, so in the coming months you will see ccTLDs in additional countries.

Q: Why is this happening?
A: Migrating to localized domains will allow us to continue promoting free expression and responsible publishing while providing greater flexibility in complying with valid removal requests pursuant to local law. By utilizing ccTLDs, content removals can be managed on a per country basis, which will limit their impact to the smallest number of readers. Content removed due to a specific country’s law will only be removed from the relevant ccTLD.

Q: Will this affect search engine optimization on my blog?
A: After this change, crawlers will find Blogspot content on many different domains. Hosting duplicate content on different domains can affect search results, but we are making every effort to minimize any negative consequences of hosting Blogspot content on multiple domains.

The majority of content hosted on different domains will be unaffected by content removals, and therefore identical. For all such content, we will specify the version as the canonical version using rel=canonical. This will let crawlers know that although the URLs are different, the content is the same. When a post or blog in a country is affected by a content removal, the canonical URL will be set to that country’s ccTLD instead of the .com version. This will ensure that we aren’t marking different content with the same canonical tag.

Q: How might ccTLDs affect the blogs I visit?
A: If you visit a blog that does not correspond to your current location as determined by your IP address, the blogspot servers will redirect you to the domain associated with your country, if it’s a supported ccTLD.
Blog readers may request a specific country version of the blogspot content by entering a specially formatted “NCR” URL.
NCR stands for “No Country Redirect” and will always display in English, whether you’re in India, Brazil, Honduras, Germany, or anywhere.
For example: http://[blogname] – always goes to the U.S. English blog.
This special URL sets a short-lived cookie (session and/or a short life time) that will prevent geo-based redirection from the requested domain. This applies to all web browsers and all Operating Systems.

Note: The redirecting move has a immediate effect of showing drop in Alexa ranking been displayed, PR of the site shown as 0 for all even though it had good ranking previously. Fact is Alexa rankings doesn't have much change too for the site as the Alexa ranking for the site can be seen with itself later and regarding Page rank of Google it has 0% side effects by this move and would benefit the people in ways like getting backlinks to the same webpage with different link addresses from bookmarking sites and so on. The PR now showing 0 for custom domain will get updated to the original PR of the .com(the reason being all domains landing to same page will have the same PR) within a week or 2 as Google PR Toolbar update is due in february while the real PR of the site can be still viewed with checking of subdomain itself. So no need to worry about it like some uproar on this regard is already happening in many blogs now due to fear of nothing


Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Threaded Comments for Blogger Blogs (Custom templates & Blogger templates)

The Blogger has announced the Threaded comment style commenting widget for official blogger based blogs, which now makes the commenting style much simpler and easier to differentiate direct comments for the post and reply comments for a comment.

The Threaded comment activation for the blogs are different for both blogger based templates and custom blogger templates.The following steps are required to enable threaded comments in the Blog

For Official Blogger Templates ---->

Enabling threaded comments in official blogger templates is much easier and simpler and can be done by just enabling the blogger feed to full and embedding the comment form below posts automatically enables the threaded comments in the blog.

To check or change the settings in view select: Settings > Other >, and then Full from the Allow Blog Feed dropdown

To check or change the settings in view select: Settings > Site Feed >, and then Full from the Allow Blog Feed dropdown

To check or change the comment form settings in draft view select: Settings > Posts and Comments, and select Embedded from the Comment Location dropdown.

To check or change the comment form settings in normal view select: Settings > Comments, and select Embedded below post in comment form placement option.

With the above steps done the reply link can be seen below the comments and threaded comment action takes place with replies to comments automatically in official blogger templates.

More info can be found out about this in google support.

For Custom Blogger Templates --->

As most of the blogger users use custom templates and not the default blogger based templates depending on their uses so the threaded comments for custom templates doesn't get active after following the steps for enabling threaded comment form like mentioned for default blogger templates.

Enabling of threaded comments widget for custom blogger templates requires a additional steps after following the steps of that mentioned by blogger or mentioned here above in official blogger templates. Here HTML code must be added(or replaced) for the threaded blogger comment widget to work.

The step by step procedure are

1) Follow the above steps mentioned for official blogger templates
2) Then Design > Edit HTML
3) Expand Widget Templates
4) Download Full template (As a precautionary measure before editing)
5) Search for the following Codes

Code 1

<b:if cond="data:blog.pageType == "item"">
<b:include data="post" name="comments">


Code 2

<b:if cond='data:blog.pageType == &quot;static_page&quot;'>
<b:if cond='data:post.showThreadedComments'>
<b:include data='post' name='threaded_comments'/>
<b:include data='post' name='comments'/>
<b:if cond='data:blog.pageType == &quot;item&quot;'>
<b:if cond='data:post.showThreadedComments'>
<b:include data='post' name='threaded_comments'/>
<b:include data='post' name='comments'/>

6) Now Replace the Code 2 with Code 1 while keeping the Code 2 which appears before Code 1 untouched.

7) Save your Template.

Now Visit the Blog, The reply links are found for each comments and threaded comment widget is been activated in the blog and threaded replies can be posted for comments in the blog .

Finally if one has applied The threaded comment on to their blog and want to remove it, then they can must follow till step 4 and in step 5 they must search for Code 2 which will appear twice. replace the code 2 with Code 1 the 2nd time Code 2 is appearing which will remove the threaded comment feature. If finding out Code the 2nd time becomes confusing then just replace Code 2 both the times also with Code 1 to make the stuff removed.

Note: The disadvantages of present form of blogger threaded comment is that author comments cannot be highlighted, custom smiley's cannot be activated, comment cannot be numbered and so on and this minor problem can be fixed with change in the code which is inserted by blogger automatically while enabling threaded comments and will come up with a solution for all these things very soon in the blog so that customized threaded comments will be better and used. This is the main reason Tipsntweaks is not using threaded comments as of now in its blog but will use it customized threaded widget shortly which is gonna be posted on the blog very soon.

Any Queries or Questions regarding the trick use the comment form below.

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Searching Google From SMS through Mobile phones

For those people who want to search Google through their phones which isn't web enabled or for finding information through SMS itself can be done with Google SMS service. The service is already there from many years and is offered for free of charge for the users, The SMS charges applicable for sending SMS to the number is applicable and google doesn't charge people for sending the reply messages back.

The service now is present in many countries of the world while the service number for it being common mostly for many countries while it being of different numbers also exist in some countries like India, china, UK etc.. The service can be used for finding out nearest restaurants, pizza huts, train schedules, currency conversions, weather of the place and weather forecast, movie timings, stock quotes, cricket scores etc...

Sending the SMS with the search term to Google will get a reply from Google with search results while the reply SMS could vary from 1 to 6 SMS depending on the search query been done.

For USA and most of the countries(includes European countries also) --->

SMS <Your search term> to 466453 (GOOGLE)

For India --->

SMS <Your search term> to 9773300000

For China --->

SMS <Your search term> to 1069999333

For European Countries --->

SMS <Your search term> to 17605370537

A SMS query for currency conversion of 1 USD to INR gets this result  gets the following result.

Similarly a SMS query for Bangalore weather gets the following result.

Google Mobile website has more details on this regard while a demo search to find out how the SMS result replies will be there can be found here.

Sunday, January 22, 2012

Rajinikant's website now runs without Internet

The fact that this new Rajinikant's website running without internet might sound like another joke of rajinikant but this website really can only be accessed without internet connection only and cannot be accessed with internet connection being live. when visited greets with a warning "He is no ordinary man, this is no ordinary website. It runs on Rajini Power. The only way to enter this website is to switching your internet off." and only after the internet connection is disconnected the website can be explored by the visitor.

Once the internet is disconnected the website can be explored of rajinikant's story from the beginning, reading his inside scoops and behind the screen actions of his movies while enjoying his famous jokes which only rajinikant can achieve those feats.

The reconnection of the internet when browsing the rajinikant's website causes the website exploration to stop there and a error message popping up in rajini's humouristic style "Aiyyo! That was unexpected. To keep browsing, switch off your internet" and again with internet disconnection the website can be reaccessed.

Gurbaksh Singh the website creator for had said that- "The unbelievable spectacle of running a website without the Internet is a tribute to Rajinikant's larger than life image, After a few iterations and testing, we cracked the code required to build the world's first website that runs without the Internet - a website that runs offline - which is as awesome and unbelievable as miracles and stunts associated or performed by Rajni himself".

Some mobile devices cannot run the website when offline but all the pc connections do access the websites when visited and internet been disconnected.

The basic concept of the website is that it is a flash based website and when visited the flash is loaded fully and the conditional factor makes the web program to be accessable only when internet is disconnected are browser settings are changed to browse offline setting but still this is the 1st of its kind of websites which works only when offline.

Update website which was also getting forwarded to the same domain for the rajini effect is now a parked domain will upadate on any later updates on this regard.

Saturday, January 21, 2012

Internet sharing Concerns raised with Megaupload website shutdown

The Justice Department of the USA has ordered the closure of website for web policy violations and anti piracy acts when concerns of SOPA and PIPA are already making buzz these move is also a blow for anonymousness among the internet with a good move of helping to stop piracy at the same time.

People visiting website gets a notice displayed saying the domain being seized under the pursuant order of the US district court. With the federal grand jury indicating several individuals and entities allegedly invovled in running of the website while charging them for crimes under several sections of law listed below it.The logos of Department of Justice, FBI Anti-piracy warning with NIPR centers are present in the notice seen on the website.

A more detailed report on this regard is on the washingtonpost news website.

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Nicolas Steno's 374th Birthday Google doodle

Google releasing Doodles to celebrate occasions like birthday of famous personalities, festival celebration and so on is common from 1998 since when the google started releasing doodles.

Now on January 11th it has released 1 more doodle on the occasion of Nicolas Steno's(11 January 1638 – 25 November 1686) 374th Birthday and   he was a Danish pioneer in both anatomy and geology. By 1659 he had decided not to accept anything simply written in a book, resolving instead to do research himself. He is considered the father of geology and stratigraphy.

As Nicolas Steno is considered the father of geology and stratigraphy the Doodle released by the google is similar to that of different layers of the earth from atmosphere to innercore of the earth with different layers of rock, water, sand and so on present in each of the "Google" words which are shown as elements.

In this Doodle

1) The Element "G" is Basically a 5 layered particle having the environment with plants,birds, fossils and greenery on the top layer followed by minerals and sand in 2nd and 3rd layers and then the water in the 4th layer representing the underground water and finally the hard rock element in the 5th layer.

2) The Element "o" is of 4 layered where the 1st layer has the greenery and environment with rivers whereas plants and birds are missing here like it was in the previous element and the 2nd and 3rd layers of minerals and sand like in the previous element is represented as a combined composite mineral layer in the 2nd layer itself here, the water and the hard rock element layers are 3rd and 4th layers and are similar to that of the previous element style.

3) The Element "o" is also a 4 layered stuff and similar to that of the 2nd element o and the difference between these two elements is this element is having plants and birds along with the greenery in the upper environment layer while the rivers are missing here and the rest of the layers are similar with that of the other layers like in the 2nd element.

4) The Element "g" is also a 4 layered stuff and the 1st environment layer has greenery and birds in it with the below 3 layers being exactly similar to that of 2nd element o with the difference of each layers being more deeper here than of the "o" element.

5) The Element "L" is a 5 layered stuff where the 1st layer of environment has greenery in it while the remaining 4 layers below is similar to that of the element "G".

6) The Element "e" being the final element of the series is a 3 layered material with the 1st layer of environment having greenery, plants and birds in it, unlike the other elements before here the sand and mineral layers embedded to the water layer of the element while the hard rock soil layer being the last layer like in previous elements.

The Cursor when placed on the Google doodle icon on the google homepage tells it as Nicolas Steno's 374th Birthday.

Here's more information about Nicolas Steno and his research. The Doodles of the googles from wayback in 1998 can be accessed here.

Monday, January 2, 2012

Adsense now displaying other AdNetwork Ads

Recently i noticed that Adsense is displaying Ads of other Ad networks for those sites which have a decent amount of traffic. The Adsense ads are competed with ads of other Ad networks and finally the highest paying Adnetwork's Ads are displayed in the Ad space and in general most of the times Adsense is the highest paying Ad network so Adsense Ads are displayed most of the times.

The other adnetworks Ad display with impressions, clicks, earnings data can be checked out by checking full reports in the adsense login page then the Adnetwork link present in the left sidebar.

here is the report of my last week earnings having data of impressions,clicks and earnings displayed in adsense reports which basically has Adsense based Ads earnings highly than the other types

The system might be running from a long time but i noticed it very much recently so sharing it here and finally the system is a welcome move because we publishers get a bit more of earnings from these things.

Sunday, January 1, 2012

New year day Google doodle of 2012

The Google has just released  1 more doodle on the New year today called as New years day doodle. 2 days back google had released New year wish doodle for 2012.

The New year Day Doodle when clicked just shows the google search for "New Year's Day".

The each characters G-O-O-G-L-E are in different mood this time unlike the previous doodle which were all in the same celebration mood. In this doodle

  1. The character G is listening to the music via its walkman
  2. The character O is dancing with 1 hand on the floor with other on its back
  3. The character O is jumping in joy 
  4. The character G is playing the music through its guitar
  5. The character L is busy reading the books while sitting on a pile of book
  6. The character E is busy cleaning the Floor for the trash spread out there with a calendar behind it where jan 1st is rounded via a green circle.
 The Doodle also says Hello, Hi, Hola, Namaste(in Hindi similar to Hi), Bonjour, ahoj and chinese, japanese and korean wishes similar to that of Hi for the users via the doodle which is present right behind the 1st character.

The doodle of googles are so famous that google releases it many times a year on many occasions with doodles being particular for that occasion. The last year Top 50 Google doodles were presented on the year end yesterday.

The doodle concept of Google is not that something new it is from 1998 from when on the doodles are released by google and only getting increased in more and more numbers with years on the line till now. The link shows the previous years doodle of the google till date from its 1st doodle of 1998 till date of 2012's 1st doodle.