Our blog being one of the good range of beneficiary from the release of google's easter eggs will give an insight of how much traffic and earnings it did got in 24 hrs time on december last year when the easter eggs for christmas, hanukkah and kwanzaa festivals were released by the google.
Tipsntweaks being one of the top 3 search query for those like of google easter eggs, google easter eggs list and so on would like to share some of the secrets behind the traffic as it did really got a big chunk of traffic when google brought its last famous easter eggs in form of the "let it snow" and other easter eggs like christmas, kwanzaa etc... did got us a whopping 150k page views and around $250 USD via google adsense in less than 24 hrs of let it snow easter egg going viral on the net. The main contributors for the traffic was Mega list of Easter eggs and hanukkah, kwanzaa etc.. easter eggs.
And of course the traffic for those posts as of now is no where near that historic traffic especially after those easter eggs like that of let it snow, christmas, etc.. being removed from the google after the occasion of christams, hanukkah and kwanzaa festivals are over, still the event gives one a idea of what traffic and earning one can achieve from google easter eggs just like that of google doodles does it.
Hope that even wikipedia makes the secret of traffic hits it gets when google had released its easter eggs so that we get more clarity on the picture for how much traffic does it gets.
Any more interesting info on this regard is welcome like what range of traffic others got from easter eggs and so on from our readers using the comment form below.
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