The 3 new google search easter eggs are
- Let it Snow
- Hanukkah
- "christmas or christmas lights or santa claus or 12 days of christmas or father christmas or merry christmas"
- kwanzaa
"Let it Snow" : let it snow is a new easter egg from google for christmas this year which when searched makes the webpage have a snowfall. The search button in the google search changes to defrost when the page is filled with snow and when defrosted the snowfall starts from the start again.
"Hanukkah" : Hanukkah is a festival of lights and when searched shows a row of stars below the google search box.
"christmas or christmas lights or santa claus" : searching google for any of these 3 words christmas, christmas lights and santa claus gets a different colored lights below the search bar which is the latest christmas easter egg by the google this year.
Update 26/12/2011 : the same christmas lights appear for 3 more different searches named "12 days of christmas or father christmas or merry christmas".
"kwanzaa" : Searching Google for kwanzaa will show the image of 7 candles 7 times below the google search box. The easter egg is based on kwanzaa festival celebrated in USA by African-American culture from december 26th to january 1st.
These easter eggs works well on latest browsers just like the ones given in A mega list of 56 Google Easter eggs here.
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