Easter eggs of Google has became a bit more famous these days after the release of some easter eggs like tilt, do a barrel roll etc.. than it was before.
Here is a small list of Easter eggs of google given below and with time passing the list would be updated with the help of both ourselves and our readers suggestions.
The Easter eggs of Google work in browsers like Chrome, Safari, Firefox 7+ versions and some of the easter eggs can be used from clicking on the "I'm feeling Lucky" button with the corresponding codes for their corresponding effects. For people who have instant search on it must be disabled to activate "I'm feeling Lucky" button and it can be done by Options – Search Settings and select “
Do not use Google Instant” or use the normal search and just select the first answer Google will return.
1) Arithmetic(calculator) Easter eggs(6) --->
The Calculator accepts humourous units of measurements including the beard-second (5 nm), Potrzebie(2.2633mm), donkeypower (250.033167 watts), the prefix hella- (10^27), etc...
Also calculation of any numbers like 5*7896 or 98756*(765425/576943) etc.. in equation form when typed in search bar provides the exact answer for it.
- "the answer to life, the universe, and everything" gets 42 in result.
- "the answer to the ultimate question of life, the universe, and everything" also gets 42.
- "the lonliest number" gets 1.
- "the number of horns on a unicorn" gets 1.
- "a bakers dozen" gets 13.
- "once in a blue moon" gets 1.16699016 × 10-8 hertz
2) Google Search Easter eggs(22) ---->
- Searching for "tilt" or "askew" makes the page to tilt to its right a bit.
- "recursion" shows did u mean: recursion and allows the searcher to recursively search for recursion.
- "do a barrel roll" or "z or r twice" results in 360 degree rotation of the page. The same barrel rolling for this page of the site can also be done by clicking the link TipsNTweaks Barrel roll.
- "anagram" shows did u mean: nag a ram.
- "ascii art" and then check out the google logo in top left to the search bar.
- "let it snow" makes the page to simulate a snowfall and frost on the search results After a while, the search screen fogs up and the blue search button changes to Defrost, enabling the user to defrost the page clicking and rubbing it like a window. Interaction with the actual search screen is disabled until the Defrost button is pressed.Search screen will cease to fog up once the Defrost button is pressed.(the easter egg released before christmas is not working anymore)
- "hanukkah" when searched shows a row of stars like stars of david below the google search box.(the easter egg released before hanukkah is not working anymore)
- "kwanzaa" Searching Google for kwanzaa will show the image of 7 candles 7 times below the google search box.(the easter egg released before kwanzaa festival is not working anymore)
- "christmas" or "christmas lights" or "santa claus" or "12 days of christmas" or "father christmas" or "merry christmas" or "candy cane"(thanks to our reader boundrys for notifying this easter egg). A google search for any of these terms shows a row of christmas lights below the google search box.(the easter eggs released before christmas is not working anymore)
- "hexadecimal" search in google gives the hexadecimal code for the search below the search bar.
- "octal" google search for ocatal gives the result of value of ocatal in octal number system just below the search bar.
- "Binary" google search for Binary gives the equivalent value of binary in binary numbering system just below the google search bar.
- "searching for jason isaacs" on the google uk based version gives the result as "Hello to Jason Isaacs" which in turn is a reference to a kermode and mayo's film reviews as it greets jason isaacs with hello every week.
- "qingming festival" A google search for the term gives a view of small leaves of a tree's branches and chinese wish beneath it. the festival is celebrated as ancestors day by remembering their ancestors and performing some rituals which is short is called as qingming in chinese.
- "Zerg Rush" search of google gives an wonderfull playfull experience of gaming where the bubbles come out and erase the data on the search screen if it is not shot down and people can try shooting down as many bubbles as possible before the screen is filled with bubbles in shape of 2 G's like " G G" and the number of bubbles shot down at the end will present as points which can be posted to their accounts. A more detailed view of this new easter egg and its structure is explained here.
3) I'm feeling Lucky easter eggs(47) --->
There are many easter eggs in this category and it will be more fun for the user to try it unknowingly of what is the output of the search so the search results for these things aren't explained here.
- "google gravity" (still data can be searched in google after this)
- "google sphere"
- "google loco"
- "epic google" (after typing this, look for "Check out my little brother, Weenie Google" at the bottom of the screen)
- "find chuck norris"
- "google flight simulator"
- "let me google that for you"
- "google gothic"
- "google pacman"(a pacman game can be played from it)
- "google guitar"
- "google pirate"
- "google rainbow"
- "google reverse"
- "elgoog"
- "who is the cutest person in the world" or "Who is the cutest?"
- "google pig latin"
- "google blue" (can be done for other colors also and only google green gets to a renewable energy page rest has same effect with corresponding color difference as typed)
- "google pond" (also google painter gives the same effect of that an google pond instead of the painter one's which can also be seen in next easter egg's category with direct links given below)
- "goglogo"
- "google is god"
- "google is gold"
- "google 133t"
- "ewmew fudd"
- "google gangster"
- "google bork"
- "funny google" ( any names can be set)
- "xx-klingon"
- "xx-piglatin"
- "xx-hacker"
- "googles by kids"
- "psychic google"
- "2204355"
- "Annoying Google"
- "LOL Limewire"
- "google gulp" a search on this will get to google autodrink on line of smart drink to enhance surfing efficiency and which is one of the most famous google hoaxes(thanks to our reader plavanga for notifying us this old forgotten easter egg of google).
- "Blackle" search will get a custom black background google search engine which aims to save power by displaying in black(thanks to our reader rosy for notifying the blackle google easter egg)
- "Google Mentalplex"
- "Google Chart"
- "Google Pigeonrank"
- "Google Fool Animation"
- "Googlunaplex"
- "Google Virgle"
- "Google gDay"
- "Google Chrome 3D" ( A google chrome can be downloaded to browse things in 3D as per googles April fool joke of 2010)
- "Google Moon"
- "Google Tisp"
- "define an english person" ( Thanks to our reader Robert for notifying this trick)
4) Some random easter eggs with direct links to access them(15) ---->
Update 21/1/2012: The total Number of Easter eggs in the article is 81 as of now from previous 70 and hoping for the best so that it reaches 100 atleast quickly.Kindly do notify any other easter eggs which you know and is not present in the list above.The Easter eggs of google released before Christmas, new year, hanukkah and kwanzaa occasions are not working now anymore.Still the images of those search results can be seen in our other easter egg post
Update 1/1/2012 : 14 more google search easter eggs have been added to take the list to 70 from 56 as of now, out of which around 9 were told in the other easter egg post and finally any more new easter eggs can be notified to us by commenting below and which will be added here ASAP.
Update 18/12/2011 : 3 more new Google search easter eggs realeased recently(the christmas gift) named "let it snow", "hanukkah", "kwanzaa" and "christmas or christmas lights or santa claus" are explained