Monday, May 30, 2011

Recover Windows 7 password with Ubuntu Linux

Forgetting of windows 7 password can also become a headache to get back to windows 7 and there are easy methods with windows 7 password to be recovered from a password recovery disk which has been created before or by use of password recovery softwares which will take big amount of time with analyzing all possible options and using the ubuntu linux bootable CD with some tricks the password of windows 7 can be recovered.

This method can be in handy when 1 has failed to create the password recovery disk from windows. The trick works on all Windows Xp and Windows Vista also the same procedure which is explained below needs to be followed.

1) Download Ubuntu Linux : At first, you must download the disk image of Ubuntu Linux. You can then burn to a CD. Download Ubuntu 4.10 LTS "Lucid Lynx (32bits). Click the Save button. Select a folder where to download the Linux disk image, in the Downloads folder for example and click Save. Click Open Folder when the download is complete.

 2) Burn the ISO image to CD: With Windows 7, you can burn CD image directly onto a blank CD in Windows Explorer. If you use Windows XP or Vista, you must turn to a third party burning software like CDBurnerXP, nero burn, power DVD etc...
  • Double click the downloaded ISO Ubuntu Linux.
  • Insert a blank CD into your drive and click the Burn button.
  • Once the burning is complete, click Close.
NOTE: for people already having Ubuntu Bootable CD skip both step 1 and 2.

3) Boot from the CD : Now that your CD is ready, you can start over and start installing Ubuntu Linux. To boot disk, you must change the order of the boot sequence of your computer to place your CD drive first. This manipulation is done in the BIOS. Please refer to the documentation for your computer or your motherboard for more information.
  • Insert the Ubuntu CD into your drive.
  • Restart your computer.
  • At startup, press the button to access the BIOS, usually Del, F1 or F2 sometimes depending on the brand.
  • Locate the section on the boot sequence, Hard Disk Boot Priority section in the Advanced BIOS Features or Boot for example.
  • Using the arrow keys and + and - keys, place the CD / DVD to the top of the list.
  • Save your changes by pressing the F10 key. Confirm with Y or OK. Finally Press the Enter key.
  • Your computer will then start on the CD.

4) Install the chntpw program : Ubuntu then boots the CD you inserted, without changing anything on your computer.
  • Click on Try Ubuntu 4.10 LTS.
  • Click the System menu.
  • Click Administration then Synaptic Package Manager.
  • Click on the Settings menu and then click Deposit.
  • Then check the box maintained by the Free Software community (universe) and click the Close button.
  • Click the Reload button to update the list of available packages.
  • Then enter the keyword in the Search field chntpw fast (wait a few minutes he called Quick time that the index is rebuilt) and press Enter.
  • Click the box next to the package chntpw.
  • In the menu that appears, click the Select option for installation.
  • Then click the Apply button.
  • Accept the changes by clicking Apply.
  • Chntpw be installed. Click the Close button.

5) Locate the hard disk : With chntpw use to reset the password of Windows, you must locate in Ubuntu the hard disk where Windows is installed to unlock.
  • Click the Shortcuts menu of Ubuntu and then My Computer.
  • Your hard drives are referenced. Find one that contains Windows. If it is not clear, double click on each of them will.
  • The hard disk that interests us is the one with the Windows folder.
  • Incidentally, note the name of the disk is shown in the File Browser window.

6) Use chntpw to delete a Windows password : With chntpw utility, you can erase the password of any Windows account, freeing access.
  • Open a Terminal window by clicking on the Ubuntu menu, click Accessories, then Terminal.
  • Enter the command cd / media and confirm with Enter.
  • Enter the ls command and confirm with Enter. The list of hard disk drives is displayed. You should see the reference noted above.
  • Then enter the command cd followed by the reference hard drive containing Windows. In our case, the command is cd FAC4AC2BC4ABE7D9. Confirm with Enter.
  • Then type the command cd WINDOWS/system32/config to access the Windows system folder where are saved passwords. Press Enter.
  • Then enter the command sudo-i chntpw Sat and confirm by pressing Enter.
  • Press the button 1 and press Enter.
  • SAM is the file that contains the Windows registry. The list of users on your system is displayed. Enter the code located in the RID column beside the name of the user you want to reset the password to zero code preceded by 0x and press Enter. For RID 03E8, the command becomes 0x03e8 here.
  • Then press the 1 key to erase the password for the selected account and confirm by pressing Enter.
  • The password is then deleted as you said the message Password cleared. Press! And press Enter to exit from the menu.
  • Then press the q key, validate and confirm the registration of the change by pressing ahead. Confirm with Enter.
  • Then close the Terminal window and restart your computer by clicking the Stop button and then click Restart. Confirm the operation and remove the Ubuntu CD in your drive when you are asked. Press Enter.
  • On the next start, the password protecting the session you are no longer required. This is normal, you just delete it. Before, a password you requested.
  • You can then set a new password and create a recovery disk to recover if lost.


Youtube Video tricks

Youtube is a Google owned vast Video sharing site which has plenty of high quality and informative videos in it.

Here are some of the tricks which can be used on youtube videos of that particular video url for the desired kind of the result as mentioned with the trick.

1) View high quality videos : Youtube gives you the option to switch to high quality videos for some of the videos, however you can check if a video is available in high quality format by appending ‘&fmt=18′(stereo, 480 x 270 resolution) or ‘&fmt=22′(stereo, 1280 x 720 resolution) for even higher quality.

2) Embed Higher Quality Videos : While the above trick works for playback, if however you want to embed hig quality videos you need to append “&ap=%2526fmt%3D18″ and “&ap=%2526fmt%3D22″ to the embed url.

3) Cut the chase and link to the interesting part : Linking to a video where the real action starts at 3 minutes 22 seconds, wondered if you could make it start at 03:22? You are in luck. All you have to do is add #t=03m22s (#t=XXmYYs for XX mins and YY seconds) to the end of the URL.

4) Hide the search box : The search box appears when you hover over an embedded video. To hide the search box add ‘&showsearch=0′ to the embed url.

5) Embed only a part of Video : Just append ‘&start=30′ to skip first 30s of the video. In general you can modify the value after start= to the number of seconds you want to skip the video for.

6) Bypass Youtube Regional Filtering : Some videos are only available in certain parts of the world. Your IP Address is used to determine your location and then allow or deny access to the video. Change the url from<somecode> to<somecode>

7) Download Video : Although not inherently a youtube trick but useful all the same for downloading videos. Just change youtube to kickyoutube in the url of the video and it will take you to with all the options for downloading the video you were watching. Firefox Addons like downloadvideohelper, grabitall, youtubevideodownloader etc.. also can be used to download the video from the youtube.

8) Autoplay a Video : If you want your embedded video to start playing automatically, once again you can do so by simply modifying the url. In this case you need to append the string “&autoplay=1” to the url and remove everything before and after the embed tag.

9) Loop a Video : If you wish to loop a video add the string “ &loop=1” to the end of the url.

10) Disable related videos in YouTube’s embedded Player : Many webmasters may want to disable related videos in YouTube’s embedded player since it encourages the reader to navigate away from the current website. Once again the solution is as simple as appending the string “rel=0” to the video URL.

Instead of manually modifying the embed code you can let a new service called VTubeTools do it. allows you to customize your YouTube player with a few clicks. You can resize the player, autostart the video, loop the video and enable high quality version. It also allows you to set custom background (you can just change the colours or even use your own background picture).

11) Embed a Part of a YouTube Video : Youtube supports a parameter called “start” that allows start playing an embedded video after a specified number of seconds. For example if the interesting part of the video begins only after 20 seconds you need to use the code &start=20.

Example Code:
<object width=”425″ height=”344″><param name=”movie” value=”“></param><param name=”allowFullScreen” value=”true”></param><embed src=”” type=”application/x-shockwave-flash” allowfullscreen=”true” width=”425″ height=”344″></embed></object>
Alternatively you can use the service Splicd to extract only a certain portion of a Youtube video.

Speed up Internet surfing on Windows 7/XP/Vista and Linux

The internet browsing speed can be utilized to the maximum extent which one's internet service provider is providing by following the below steps, which basically is not used to the fullest level due to reasons like of DNS and so on.

Changing of the DNS(Domain Name System) of the current service provider to the fastest DNS servers of the ones like of OpenDNS or Google public DNS will do the required trick. This speeds up the loading time taken for the webpages which r browsed. DNS Servers are used by the internet connection to the correspondence between a domain name and IP address corresponding(each websites has an IP address and can be accessed directly from those IP addresses). It indeed makes the browsing of the internet easier using domain names rather than sequences of numbers. Whenever you call a page, images that are loaded or download files, a DNS server is used.

The procedure to attain it with xp and windows 7 and linux and Vista is different and explained below.

1) Procedure for XP : The parameters of the network connection of the Windows XP computer must be changed to declare a new DNS servers. it can be done like this --

  • Click the Start button and then click Control Panel.
  • Click Network and Internet Connections.
  • Click on Network Connections.
  • Double click the icon for your network connection.
  • Click the Properties button.
  • Double click the item Internet Protocol (TCP / IP).
  • Select Use the DNS server addresses on this windows.
  • Then enter the Preferred DNS server field the first DNS server address to use for Google Public or DNS to OpenDNS
  • Then enter the DNS server field the second DNS server address to use for Google Public or DNS to OpenDNS
  • Click OK twice and then click Close.
  • Reboot the system. The new settings are then applied. Launch your Web browser and visit your favorite sites. They should receive more smoothly and quickly.
2) Procedure for Windows 7 : The New DNS servers definition in Windows 7 goes through the Network and Sharing center. It can be configured like this--

  • Click the Start button and then click Control Panel.
  • Click Network and Internet.
  • Click Network and Sharing Center.
  • In the left pane, click Change settings of the card.
  • Double click the icon for your network connection (this can be a cable connection or wireless).
  • Click the Properties button.
  • Double click on the icon Internet Protocol Version 4 (TCP/IPv4).
  • Select Use the DNS server addresses.
  • Then enter the Preferred DNS server field the first DNS server address to use for Google Public or DNS to OpenDNS
  • Then enter the DNS server field the second DNS server address to use for Google Public or DNS to OpenDNS
  • Check the box Validate parameters and left click OK and Close.
  • The new settings are then applied and your network connection is verified. Click Close.
  • Launch your Web browser and visit your favorite sites. They should receive more smoothly and quickly.

3) Procedure for Windows Vista is same as the procedure for Windows 7.

4) Procedure for Ubuntu Linux : Declaration of DNS servers for internet usage is easier in Ubuntu Linux. IT is configured like this --

  • On Ubuntu, click on the System menu.
  • Click Preferences, then Network Connections.
  • Click your network connection (this can be a cable connection or wireless) and click Modify.
  • Open the Settings tab IPv4.
  • Scroll Method and select automatic addresses only (DHCP).
  • In the DNS Servers field, enter the addresses of DNS servers to use, separated by a space. For example for Google or Public DNS to OpenDNS
  • Click the Apply button, type your password and confirm with authentication.
  • Finally, click Close. Launch your Web browser and visit your favorite sites. They should receive more smoothly and quickly.

NOTE : Both the OpenDNS and Google public DNS are much faster DNS servers and OpenDNS seems to be a bit faster than that of the Google public DNS.The processof changing from the default ISP provider DNSservers to google or open DNS also helps in bypassing the blocked websites of that particular ISP's many times.

Sunday, May 29, 2011

How to hide files and folders in JPEG image file

A File or Folder of any size can be hidden in an JPEG file by compression techniques and masking it in the image file.

Steps to hide a file in a JPEG images are --
  • Create folder in any of the hard disk drive.(c: \New Folder)
  • Then put some files whichever you want to hide in New Folder, as well as a JPEG image that you would like to hide the files in.
  • Then select all the file which you want to hide and add to ZIP or RAR .
  • Now create zip or rar files which you want to hide,
  • After this go to Windows Start menu, select Run and type cmd.
  • Type “cd \” then type “cd New Folder” press enter
  • Type “copy /b image.JPG + NewFolder.rar image.jpg”, here you have to Replace the name “image” with the name of your image, and replace “New Folder” with the name of your compressed file.)
  • Then you get the system message “1 file(s) copied.”
  • Now you can go ahead and delete the original files, except for the newly formed Image.
  • Then you get the files in your image for that you need to do is right-click on the image then only you will get the option of extracting it. Extract the image to get the hidden files.

NOTE :  This is a old technique which hackers used to do steal the data of the target and it can be done on stuffs easily even now so when u browse the net make sure you won't click these kind of suspicious images hosted in some of the suspicious sites just to steal the data of the victim and viruses also can enter a system when a image of these kind is clicked.

The method to find out either the image is embedded with some file or not is check the extention of the JPEG image file if it is just plain JPEG file then it is just an image if it is something other like jpeg.exe, jpeg.rar and so on then that particular image is an embedded image with some file in it.

The topic here is just for information so that our readers doesn't fall prey for these kind of stuffs.Tipsntweaks is in no way responsible for any use or misuse done based on the trick which is given for educational purpose alone.

Cleaner Softwares like CCleaner

Normally most of the people use CCleaner for cleaning the crap in the system and the registry and it is not a bad option to have some alternatives to CCleaner.

For people who are new to CCleaner it and its alternatives r given below with brief introduction to them.

1) CCleaner(Crap Cleaner) : It is a is a freeware system optimizating, privacy and cleaning tool. Also used to remove unused files from the system - allowing Windows to run faster and freeing up valuable hard disk drive(HDD) space. It can also clean traces of your online activities such as your Internet history. Additionally it contains a fully featured registry cleaner which is usefull in cleaning up the registry to speedup the system. with these it is pretty fast in doing it also and normally takes around half a second for the job.

CCleaner Cleans the following:
  • Internet Explorer
  • Firefox
  • Google Chrome
  • Opera
  • Safari
  • Windows - Recycle Bin, Recent Documents, Temporary files and Log files.
  • Registry cleaner
  • Third-party applications
  • Free from spyware,adware,malware etc..
  • Adobe PDF reader history
  • Isobuster
  • Nero burn
  • MS office 2003 and 2007 
  • MS Picture Manager
  • and many more utlities including history of sun java in internet and so on..
The Software can be downloaded for the use from here or here

2) BleachBit : It is another software like of CCleaner which works both on Linux and Windows Based OS. It is very quick in the process and clears up the Cache and Cookies of the system and browser and so on. It can clean 90 applications including Firefox, Internet Explorer, Adobe Flash, Google Chrome, Opera, Safari,and more. Beyond simply deleting files, BleachBit includes advanced features such as shredding files to prevent recovery, wiping free disk space to hide traces of files deleted by other applications, and vacuuming Firefox to make it faster. BleachBit is an open source software. 

Download  Bleachbit from here or here    

3) Glary Utlilities : This is a set of utilities like improving your system's performance and protecting your privacy etc... It's well-organized interface allows users to easily choose from several tools for the desired kind of cleaning. It cleans unwanted junk files and removes invalid and broken shortcuts, freeing up valuable disk space in the HDD.

The Registry cleaner in it allows you to scan, remove, and back up faulty Registry entries just like that in CCleaner. History of Internet Explorer can be deleted from here and it is the only browser history cleaning is supported in it which is also a drawback of Glary Utilities. To improve the speed of your computer, it offers tools to manage start-up programs and memory optimization.IT has file shredder to delete the files from HDD which is usefull for privacy.

Download Glary Utilities from here or here

4) Advanced SystemCare Free(ASCF) : It is a Freeware application used for keeping the system clean just like the other ones mentioned here. It gives the user a set of tools, rolling many of parent company IOBit's better-known system utilities--or at least those utilities' engines--into one convenient package.

The program's Quick Care option includes the ability to clean your Registry, perform a rudimentary malware scan, fix and remove broken shortcuts, delete junk files, and erase browsing tracks. It can be configured on system start-up to make the process run ever quicker.

The Deep Care option adds several features to Quick Care. These include a deeper Registry clean, disk defragmenting, a "Windows vulnerability fix" and a "Passive Defense" that don't readily define what they do, and a system optimization option with several optimization presets. Advanced SystemCare Free has a fantastic range of features, but its Quick Care options are most transparent with how they'll affect your computer. Fortunately, the program's log records all of its activities. We'd just like to find out how a program like this is going to change our computer before it effects those changes.

ASFC can be downloaded from here or here

5) MSCONFIG, REGEDIT, GPEDIT.MSC (System Configuration Utilities) : All these applications are inbuilt in Windows  and can be accessed from start and then run and msconfig,regedit(registry editor) and gpedit.msc(group policy editor). one needs to know what kind of speed up is required where in the system and can directly do it from these utilities including of registry cleaning via regedit.

What to do when your Google Account is Hacked

It will be a headache if someone else takes control of your Google Account because all your Google services like Gmail, Orkut, Google Calendar, Blogger, AdSense, Google Docs, Picasa Web, Youtube Videos and even Google Checkout are tied to the same account.

Here are some options suggested by Google Support when you forget the Gmail password or if someone else takes ownership of your Google Account and changes the password:

1. Reset Your Google Account Password:

Type the email address associated with your Google Account or Gmail user name at - you will receive an email at your secondary email address with a link to reset your Google Account Password.

This will not work if the other person has changed your secondary email address or if you no longer have access to that address.

 b) you can get the reset code to your mobile as SMS if you had registered your mobile number with your google account. entering of the code you get to your mobile will reset the password easily 

 c) Answering the Security Questions which u had selected while creating the account properly can also do the job 

2. For Google Accounts Associated with Gmail, Orkut :

If you have problems while logging into your Gmail account, you can consider contacting Google by filling this form. It however requires you to remember the exact date when you created that Gmail account. And also submission of your orkut profile id and the email ID of some of the most contacted accounts from that account and the last date and time when u had successfully logged to your account.IF the Gmail had some labels in it then submitting of those Labels also help in this process.

3. For Hijacked Google Accounts Not Linked to Gmail:

If your Google Account doesn’t use a Gmail address, contact Google by filling this form. This approach may help bring back your Google Account if you religiously preserve all your old emails. You will be required to know the exact creation date of your Google Account plus a copy of that original “Google Email Verification” message.

It may be slightly tough to get your Google Account back but definitely not impossible if you have the relevant information in your secondary email mailbox.

Saturday, May 28, 2011

Google to offer street view of Indian cities soon

Global Internet search engine Google on Thursday announced plans to offer street view of Indian cities on its maps platform.
"We are launching the street view project from Bangalore as it is the IT capital of India where IT-savvy users will be able to leverage the benefits of the facility optimally," Google India product head Vinay Goel told reporters here at a preview of its latest product.
As a user-friendly feature of Google Maps, the US-based global IT major has already uploaded street view of about 100 cities in 27 countries world over with a host of information for the benefit of users seeking specific details.
"Inspired by the success of the project in other cities, we will collect images of Bangalore streets by driving across the city in cars and trikes (three-wheeler rickshaws) that will have high resolution cameras mounted atop," Goel said.
To be made available on in the coming months, the novel feature will enable users to virtually explore and navigate a neighbourhood through a panoramic view of its streets on their desktops or mobile handsets.
"The users will also be able to access street-level imagery by zooming into the lowest level on Google Maps or by dragging the orange 'pegman' icon on the left side of the map onto a blue highlighted street," Goel pointed out.
Images of faces, addresses of houses or offices and number plates of cars will be blurred to safeguard privacy. Detailed imagery of public or private properties and specific locations will also be blurred on request by the concerned or the affected party.
"Street view will also be useful for urban development planners, law enforcement agencies, house-hunters, travellers and diverse users looking for specific information on shops, offices, restaurants, hotels, etc, in a particular street, area or locality," Goel said.
The feature will enable businesses to upload their details on the imagery map for free by using the tools on the street view site.
"Street view is designed to comply with all local laws, including those related to security and privacy issues in India," Goel added.
Google India's development centre in this tech hub has been actively involved in the global street view project for developing application interface, associated tools and solutions for trouble-shooting.


Friday, May 20, 2011

Mac OS X keyboard shortcuts

MAC OS has many usefull shortcut commands and some of them are listed here below category-wise which can be used more frequently by the mac users. The list is bit long but usefull for mac users in general.

1) Startup 
  "Press X during startup" = Force Mac OS X startup
  "Press Option-Command-Shift-Delete during startup" = Bypass primary startup volume and seek a different startup volume (such as a CD or external disk)
  "Press C during startup" = Start up from a CD that has a system folder
  "Press N during startup" = Attempt to start up from a compatible network server (netboot)
  "Press T during startup" = Start up in FireWire Target Disk mode
  "Press Shift during startup" = start up in Safe Boot mode and Temporarily disable login items and non-essential kernel extension files (Mac OS X February 10 and later)
  "Press Command-V during startup" = Start up in verbose mode
  "Press Command-S during startup" = Start up in Single-User mode

2) Finder window

  "Command-W" = Close Window
  "Option-Command-W" = Close all Windows
  "Command-Right Arrow" = Expand folder (list view)
  "Option-Command-Right Arrow" = Expand folder and nested subfolders (list view)
  "Command-left Arrow" = Collapse Folder (list view)
  "Option-Command-Up Arrow" = Open parent folder and close current window
 3) Menu Commands

  "Shift-Command-Q" = Apple Menu Log out
  "Shift-Option-Command-Q" = Apple Menu Log out immediately
  "Shift-Command-Delete" = Finder Menu Empty Trash
  "Option-Shift-Command-Delete" = Finder Menu Empty Trash without dialog
  "Command-H" = Finder Menu Hide Finder
  "Option-Command-H" = Finder Menu Hide Others
  "Command-N" = File Menu New Finder window
  "Shift-Command-N" = File Menu New Folder
  "Command-O" = File Menu Open
  "Command-S" = File Menu Save
  "Shift-Command-S" = File Menu Save as
  "Command-P" = File Menu Print
  "Command-W" = File Menu Close Window
  "Option-Command-W" = File Menu Close all Windows
  "Command-I" = File Menu Get Info
  "Option-Command-I" = File Menu Show Attributes Inspector
  "Command-D" = File Menu Duplicate
  "Command-L" = File Menu Make Alias
  "Command-R" = File Menu Show original
  "Command-T" = File Menu Add to Favorites
  "Command-Delete" = File Menu Move to Trash
  "Command-E" = File Menu Eject
  "Command-F" = File Menu Find
  "Command-Z" = Edit Menu Undo
  "Command-X" = Edit Menu Cut
  "Command-C" = Edit Menu Copy
  "Command-V" = Edit Menu Paste
  "Command-A" = Edit Menu Select All
  "Command-1" = View Menu View as Icons
  "Command-2" = View Menu View as List
  "Command-3" = View Menu View as Columns
  "Command-B" = View Menu Hide Toolbar
  "Command-J" = View Menu Show View Options
  "Command - [" = Go Menu Back
  "Command -]" = Go Menu Forward
  "Shift-Command-C" = Go Menu Computer
  "Shift-Command-H" = Go Menu Home
  "Shift-Command-I" = Go Menu iDisk
  "Shift-Command-A" = Go Menu Applications
  "Shift-Command-F" = Go Menu Favorites
  "Shift-Command-G" = Go Menu Goto Folder
  "Command-K" = Go Menu Connect to Server
  "Command-M" = Window Menu Minimize Window
  "Command-?" = Help Menu Open Mac Help
  "Command-Space" = Open Spotlight (Mac OS X 10.4 or later)
  "Command-Alt-Space" = Open Spotlight Guide (Mac OS X 10.4 or later)
  "F12" = Opens Dashboard (Mac OS X 10.4 or later)
Universal Access and Voiceover
  "Option-Command-* (asterisk)" = Turn on Zoom
  "Option-Command-+ (plus)" = Zoom in
  "Option-Command - (minus)" = Zoom out
  "Control-Option-Command-* (asterisk)" = Switch to White on Black
  "Control-F1" = Turn on Full Keyboard Access
When Full Keyboard Access is turned on, you can use the key combinations listed in the table below from the Finder.
  "Control-F2" = Full Keyboard Access Highlight Menu
  "Control-F3" = Full Keyboard Access Highlight Dock
  "Control-F4" = Full Keyboard Access Highlight Window (active) or next window behind it
  "Control-F5" = Full Keyboard Access Highlight Toolbar
  "Control-F6" = Full Keyboard Access Highlight Utility window (palette)
  "Command-F5 or fn-Command-F5" = Turn on or off Voiceover (Mac OS X 10.4 or later)
  "Control-Option-F8 or fn-Control-Option-F8" = Open Voiceover Utility (Mac OS X 10.4 or later)
  "Control-Option-F7 or fn-Control-option-F7" = Display Voiceover menu (Mac OS X 10.4 or later)
  "Control-Option-; or fn-Control-option-" = Enable / disable lock Voiceover Control-Option (Mac OS X 10.4 or later)

 4) Mouse Keys

 "8" = Move Up
 "2" = Move Down
 "4" = Move left
 "6" = Move Right
 "1, 3, 7, 9" = Move diagonally
 "5" = Press Mouse Button
 "0" = Hold Mouse Button
 ". (Period on keypad)" = Release Mouse Button (use after pressing 0)

 5) Other Commands

  "Option-Command-D" = Show / Hide Dock
  "Command-Tab" = Switch application
  "Command-Up Arrow" = Move up one directory
  "Command-Down Arrow" = Move down one directory
  "Page Up or Control-Up Arrow" = Move up one page
  "Page Down or Control-Down Arrow" = Move down one page
  "Option-Drag" = Copy to new location
  "Option-Command-Drag" = Make alias in new location
  "Command-Drag" = Move to new location without copying
  "Command-C" = Show Colors palette in application
  "Command-T" = Show Font palette in application
  "Command-Shift-3" = Take a picture of the screen
  "Command-Shift-4" = Take a picture of the selection
  "Command-Shift-4, then press Control while selecting" = Take a picture of the screen, place in Clipboard
  "Command-Shift-4, then Spacebar" = Take a picture of the selected window
  "Option-Command-esc" = Force Quit
  "Control-Eject" = Restart, Sleep, Shutdown dialog box
  "Control-Command-Eject" = Quit all applications and restart
  "Option-Command-Eject or Option-Command-Power" = Sleep
  "Command-click window toolbar button (upper right corner)" = Cycle through available views for the window's toolbar (dependent on the nature of the Finder or application window)
  "Command-` " = Cycle through windows in application or Finder (if more than one window is open)
  "Function-Delete (PowerBook, iBook only)" = Forward Delete (delete the character to the right of your cursor)

Access Facebook on mobile without GPRS connection

Singapore—based U2opia Mobile has developed the new application
The application has been launched with Indian telecom major Bharti Airtel

New Delhi: Singapore—based software applications developer U2opia Mobile has developed a new application for mobile phones that will allow users to access Facebook on all types of handsets without paying for a data connection.
“We are using USSD technology, which will enable users to access Facebook without having a GPRS connection on their phones,” said Sumesh Menon, the co-founder and chief executive officer of U2Opia Mobile.
Unstructured Supplementary Data (USSD) is the technology used by telecom players to send alerts to their users that inform them about their balance at the end of a call or for sending missed call alerts.
Mr. Menon mentioned that though the technology will not provide access to graphics, it will help users send and view updates on their friends' Facebook walls.
“It is like SMS and hence, the load on the network is negligible. We have built some commands through which a user can receive alerts on activity happening on his wall as well post an update,” said Mr. Menon.
U2opia launched this application on Tuesday with Indian telecom major Bharti Airtel.
While Airtel customers can update their Facebook status through this USSD service free of cost, Re.1 per day will be applicable for accessing the full-feature application, which enables viewing news feeds, commenting on or ‘liking' news feed stories, posting on friends' walls, confirming friend requests, viewing notifications and findingand adding friends.
Airtel users can dial *325# and *fbk# for non-qwerty mobile handsets to access Facebook without subscribing to data plans, the statement said. — PTI



Thursday, May 19, 2011

Scheduling of Email in Gmail

Gmail even though not having the option of scheduling of emails still email can be scheduled in gmail using addons like boomerang or applications like lettermelater r by using pop3 r IMAP settings.

Some of the methods in scheduling email in gmail are --->

1) Boomerang is a addon available for chrome and firefox which allows to schedule messages to be sent after a set time and even allows you to schedule an exact time for the message to be sent.


Once the message is scheduled, Boomerang will store the email headers on their servers and sends it at the specified time.

Boomerang’s usability is not just of scheduling email messages in Gmail, it even offers the de-cluttering of your Inbox in gmail like by hiding certain emails and only displaying it after a certain time. This can be quite handy at times like getting notified from it automatically. 

People can get the Boomerang from their site

The main disadvantage of Boomerang is having access to the privacy of the gmail users who use it as it will have the messages stored in their servers.

However, Boomerang makes it clear that they only store the email headers of a message on their servers so that they can identify it, and do not store the email body other than that.

The Above video does explain the operation of boomerang.

2)Services like Outlook and Thunderbird- For these services to be used one needs outlook or thunderbird installed in their system and then connect the Gmail account with IMAP and once it being connected then follow this simple guide it finishes the job. and as emails are saved in local system one needs their system to be turned ON at the time of schedule for their email to be sent.

3) Email Scheduling Services like and has options to send email at scheduled time. these services are usefull not only in scheduling emails of gmail but for other email service providers like yahoo, hotmail etc...

Free rapidshare and Megaupload premium accounts

There is program called free premium account which provides its users with rapidshare and megaupload accounts for free of cost.To obtain this a user can sign up with free premium accounts here

then after signing up here the user must complete an offer which is also free of cost at the link providing to the permission research.

Here to complete an offer the user must install some addons to firefox and download some screensavers and install them.The add on installed in firefox must complete 24 hours with internet connectivity then the credit will be added so that the offer will be completed.

Once offer is completed half the job is done then the user must refer some referals(referals must complete their offer and they can also claim premium accounts by refering other peoples).

The user needs
6 referals for 1 month Premium rapidshare account
18 referals for 3 months Premium rapidshare account
10 referals for 1 month Megaupload premium account
25 referals for 3 months Megaupload premium account

The program notifies the IP address,Hard disk serial number and email address of the person signing up so don't try to cheat the program by signing up under different ids,by doing so leads to termination of account.

Use this program to generate free rapidshare and megaupload premium accounts for any amount of time by refering more referals and then selecting the account type needed to obtain it in the rewards tab.

All the best for all of my site visitors to obtain your rapidshare and megaupload premium accounts as early as possible.

source: 300allpctips 

Disabling the new photo viewer in Facebook

Even though there is no option in face­book to dis­able it still can be achieved using exten­sions and tricks.

1. Removing of "&the­ater" from the url
When a photo is opened it auto­mat­i­cally opens in the new photo viewer. In the url bar 1 can see ‘&the­ater’ in it. Just remove ‘&the­ater’ and press ENTER. The photo opens in the old photo viewer and like that opening the image in new tab is also works

This simple trick doesn't dis­able the photo viewer but will lets the viewer a photo in another page, as its used to be before.this trick would be needed for repeating whenever disabling of the new photo viewer is needed whereas the other methods mentioned below will disable it for good.

2. Using of Scripts like-
a) Bet­ter Face­book is a free script for browsers(firefox, chrome, opera and safari) for enhanc­ing the face­book expe­ri­ence of its user which has an option to dis­able the the­ater view in facebook. To dis­able, install the plu­gin and then check the option of Disable the Lighbox in the theater pop viewer of photos. get the betterfacebook 

b) Greasemonkey is another addon for firefox and chrome users which can dis­able the the­ater view in facebook.

c) Face­book The­ater Killer an addon for fire­fox and Chrome also can disable the theater view in facebook. Get the script from here.

d) Old FB Album an addon for chrome can be used to get rid of the light box viewer in facebook. The addon auto­mat­i­cally rewrites the URL to redi­rect you to the old photo viewer.
Get Old FB Album from here.

e) Light Box killer an exten­sion in Google Chrome also can do the same.
Get Light Box Killer from here.