Every time that you send an email, copies are stored permanently on multiple email servers as well as the recipient's inbox and anyone they decide to send it to. Your emails can be stored and scanned in more places than you can imagine. Do you want people storing your email messages forever? Do you want something that you type today to be used against you tomorrow, next week, next month or even in the next decade?
Until now, everyone else has had control of the email that you have sent. BigString gives you back control of your email, acting like an automatic shredder for your email. You can self-destruct or change an email that's already been sent or read. Don't leave your messages sitting in peoples' inboxes forever. Get a free BigString email account to protect your privacy.
Bigstring is a email provider like other email providers who provide them for free but it has some good features which r not available in other emails like
- Self-Destructing Email
- Recallable/Erasable Email
- Non-Forwardable Email
- Non-Printable/Savable Email
- Advanced Email Tracking
- Masquerading
- Unlimited storage
- Large Attachment Capacity
- Fun Email Effects
there r some more providers like bigstring who offer selfdestructable email after some time r after being read once like
1) NMA ZSentry Security Service : is Google service which can be incorporated in gmail, outlook, SMS and otehr services etc...
2) Self-destructingemail.com : Allows you to send email from webmail by adding .self-destructing-email.com to the end of the recipient’ email address.
3) Kicknotes : you can create a email for self-destruct based on how many times the message is read or the age of the message.
4) Stealth Message : It allows encryption of email mesages, stores encrypted messsages anonymously, set self-destructing options, prevent forwarding and copying of messages.
5) Destructing Message : Online service that generated a link which contains your message and can be self destroyed after the timer expires.